The game
In Evil Corp you play as one of 6 CEOs who have a technological vision of the future they will stop at nothing to realise.
First you create your R&D Team, then Build your Prototype before you Complete your Killer App. And by Killer, we do mean Killer, there are no CEO plans which don't result in catastrophe for us mere mortals.

Meet the CEOs
Internet Tech Titans are the new masters of the universe. The power they wield through technology is staggering.
Step into their shoes in a game of nasty business dealings, broken promises and compromised ethics.

Play to win
As well as being how you win the game through plan phases, each Opportunity card enables you to accelerate your plan, or slow down an enemy’s with the 'Nasty Business' function at the bottom of the card.

In Evil Corp there is only one denomination - Billions. Obviously. And you're going to need a lot of them.
Buy start-ups and hope World Events don’t negatively impact your earning potential.
The world is broken up into 6 markets, so launch start-ups in as many as you can!

World events
At the end of your turn a World Event occurs. It modulates the earning potential of a randomly selected market...
Will it be yours?

Evil Corp is inherently competitive, but there are moments when you need to collaborate.
When an enemy is about to launch their Evil Plan, pool your resources and foil them at the last minute with a perfectly-played Agency card.

Fending off attacks from non-partisan government agencies enables you to successfully launch your Evil Plan.